Build Your own boyfriend Performance

During 2020, covid regulations called for socially distanced performances and so BYOB was born. It is a 15 minute, one woman, clowning, puppet show for all ages; designed as my submission to ” A Show in a suit case” brief. The show even went on to be featured in the digital Urdd Eisteddfod 2020.

I designed, built and performed this pop up show as a way to bring laughter and entertainment to all from a safe distance. It features a clown opening a “Build Your Own Boyfriend kit”, as she puts him together, he’s brought to life. Things escalate and she left fighting for control of her limbs as the puppet starts to take her over.

This fascicle performance examines the intimate power dynamics of a toxic romantic relationship in whimsical manner. After all during being lockdown for so long i’m sure many with a partner would find this relatable, sometimes wishing they could “return to sender” after a fight.

Big Tent event festival performance 2022

Boy Friend Puppet in the Making


Here are some pages from my sketch book exampling my design process. Above is the final character design before I started making. Below are some sketches of how I reached this design, costume ideas for us both and how the costume and the puppet might function.

For the performance I drew out a 3 Act story board to mark out each moment. Below is the pages for Act 1.

Act 1: Assembly performance story board


His head is made using Latex, I sculpted his head in clay then made a plaster mould to pour the latex into.

Boyfriend head Latex cast test

Below is a few videos of me testing maquette’s movements along the making journey.

↓ Click to view ↓

Heres how I made the arm mechanism using PVC pipe and elastic.

Heres a glimpse at the making of his hands. I used latex again to essentially cast my own hand shape inside a glove so his hands look full from the audiences perspective but allows me to slip my own hand in with ease during the performance for a smooth transition.

To make the hair i used foam and latex. I essentially made a bald cap for the puppet then added the hair to it and peeled it off when fully cured so each wig would fit him perfectly and be easy to change on stage.

For our matching costumes I hand dyed then painted the fabric and drafted a pattern then sewed each element of our costumes.